Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Order of the Phoenix: Original Character: Ethan Davis

Ethanael Malven Davis

Name: Ethanael Malven Davis
Date of Birth: September 22, 1912
Harold Davis (wizard),
Amelia Davis nee Dunstan (witch)
Siblings: Elizabeth Potter nee Davis (sister, witch)
Other Relations:
James Potter (nephew, wizard),
Syras Louise Potter (niece, witch)
Spouse: never married
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Light Brown
School: Hogwarts, Ravenclaw House (1924-1931)
Profession: Historian
Unusual Abilities: none, that I know of
Age at Time of Fifth Book: would have been (or is, can’t decide) 83

I kind of see him as the type of person who graduated from Hogwarts (Ravenclaw, of course), went home, locked himself in a dusty attic full of old books and papers, and hardly ever came out again. When he did come out, he would always be muttering to himself and not fully aware of his enviroment. He would be the crazy relative people always talk about. That, at least, might be how people see him. It is possible he has done some extensive traveling while people think he has been in his attic.

I don’t know. I don’t know why I bothered to put all this information down for this person. I just find him interesting for some reason. I’m not sure I would actually do anything with him though.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Order of the Phoenix: Sirius Black’s Middle Name

Sirius Black is another person who JKR has yet (08/23/2005) to give a middle name.

Now, I have seen many different middle names used for Sirius by fan-fiction authors over the years and my favorite by far has been Orion. Now, many might say that makes his name a little too heavy on the stars and constellations but I say it sounds good and even works with my family history for him. So yes, it should be Sirius Orion Black.

Sirius, often called the Dog Star, is the alpha star (in other words the brightest) in the constellation Canis Major. Now, Canis Major is considered one of Orion’s hunting dogs. The beta star (second brightest) of the constellation Orion is Rigel (also considered the foot of the hunter). In my AU story, Sirius’ father is named Rigel. The reasoning then, for using Orion as Sirius’ middle name would go like this... Orion has connections to Sirius (in the star world). Orion also has a connection to Rigel (since Rigel is part of Orion). This forms a connection between Sirius and Rigel. Anyway... enough of that.

Order of the Phoenix: James Potter’s Middle Name

The problems with all of this is that JRK has yet to mention James’ middle name (she has for most of the other people). It could really be anything. But for the sake of my story, I have to choose something. Now, you might ask why. Middle names don’t come up very often, especially in a story concerning Harry’s fifth year. My reasoning is that I just need to do it for the sake of completeness. I think stories feel more real if the author knows all the little details about the world they have created.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005
At this point in time (which is why I put the date), I can't decide between Eliot, William, or Christopher. There are too many nice names that go with James and Potter.