Sunday, March 26, 2006

Order of the Phoenix: Harry and the Killing Curse Criteria

March 26th, 2006

In an attempt to see if anyone can come up with a better idea then mine, I’m going to list the criteria I based my idea on.

• If Lily didn’t die first (for Harry), Harry would have still survived (1)
• If James didn’t die first (before Harry), Harry would have still survived
• Harry has no powers completely unique to him that allowed him to survive (2)

(1) At least in the sense that the protection she gave him when she died trying to protect him didn’t save him from the killing curse.
(2) In other words, no special powers. He is allowed to have greater abilities but not special abilities. There is a difference (in my mind, an important one).

With the first two items, the main point I’m trying to get across (or put into the story) is that Harry didn’t survive by chance alone.

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