Sunday, April 08, 2012

Fan-Fiction Recommendations: Stargate Atlantis

Stargate atlantis has (or had, it's been awhile since I really looked) some of the highest quality fan-fiction I think I've run across in the fandoms I haunt (Stargate, Star Wars, Harry Potter, etc). Not only do the authors nail the characters, but many of their stories are both long (often novel length), well plotted, and well written. Many of these stores that I've listed are a great pleasure to read, and they represent only a fraction of what I've encountered. I only wish this could be said of the other fandoms.

Listed is a link to the author's profile on, and a sample list of their stories. Again, this represents only a fraction..

Plumber's Helper
That Which is Broken
Running on Empty
Candle in the Dark
The Killing Frost

Choosing His Team
Hidden Resources
Failure to Communicate
Sheppard Moon
Figurative Hell and Literal High Water

Bee in the Bonnet
Ancient Devices
Stupid Stuff

Wait of Water
Sentry Duty
Bugs in the System
Fall From Grace

Flying Lessons
You Can't Just Walk Away
The Reluctant Hero

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